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Shavout 2024

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May 26th, 2024

Beyth Yisrael Shel Elohim Synagogue

Shavout 2024

Gathered under the auspices of our sacred bond as the Beyth Yisrael Shel Elohim family, we joyously celebrated Shavuot on May 26th, 2024. This revered festival marks the momentous occasion when we commemorate the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, an event that binds us eternally to our divine heritage and covenant with the Almighty. With hearts aflame with devotion and minds illuminated by the wisdom of our ancestors, we embraced this hallowed day with prayers, study, and the sharing of delectable traditional delicacies. As we basked in the spiritual radiance of Shavuot, we reaffirmed our commitment to uphold the timeless teachings of Torah, uniting us as one family in faith and reverence.

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