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Our Story

"We are Nazarenes, followers of Yahusha, navigating the complexities of our history. We believe we are the lost sheep of the house of Israel, scattered across the world. Through faith in Mashiyach, Son of David, we reclaim our place among the 12 tribes of Israel—this is our destiny.

As members of the MALA community in Andhra Pradesh, we trace our roots to a warrior heritage, later subjugated as "Dasulu" or slaves. Despite facing social injustices, we've preserved our faith and traditions.

Our struggles mirror those of the Israelites: scattered, oppressed, yet resilient in faith. Verses like Deuteronomy 28:68 and Zephaniah 3:10 resonate with our journey and identity, highlighting parallels with ancient Hebrew customs.

In these last days, our faith in Yahusha remains unwavering. Guided by Mashiyach, we observe the Torah and seek unity with the 12 tribes of Israel. As Nazarenes, we maintain our commitment to our heritage, finding strength and purpose in our ancestral roots."
Who are Nazarenes ?
Nazarenes were spoken of as guardians of the Torah, Prophets, and Messiah. It is a mistranslation in our Bibles where it says "Jesus of Nazareth" it should read Yahusha the Nazarene.

Not only is his name not Jesus, not only was Yahusha not from Nazareth, but the terms "sect of the Nazarenes" and Yahusha of Nazareth are the same. They both employ the adjective nasraya or notsri meaning branch, which is referring to the prophecy in Isaiah concerning The Branch and prophecy of Zachariah concerning The Branch.

The English word Nazarene (Greek "Nazaraios," Aramaic "Natsraya," or Hebrew "Notsri") comes from the Hebrew word netser (branch), which itself is derived from the verb natsar which means to guard, watch, keep, or preserve in context speaking of the Torah.

The NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon - Strong's
Number: 5341
Transliterated Word - Natsar
Definition: to guard, watch, watch over, keep (Qal) to watch, guard, keep, to preserve, guard from dangers, to keep, observe, guard with fidelity, to guard, keep secret, to be kept close, be blockaded, watchman (participle)
Meaning of Natsar (Lexicon Bible Dictionary)

So in context of the Torah and Prophets, Yahusha the Nazarene was to keep and observe the Torah and guard, watch over, and protect it from the Lawless one Jesus Christ who is a false image designed to destroy it. All true followers of Yahusha are Nazarenes.
John the Great Nazarene
The Teacher of Righteousness:
In the Dead Sea Scrolls there is a figure called The Great Notsri (Nazarene) and Teacher of Righteousness who would be sent by Yahuah to prepare the way for the Branch.

John 1:6-9 : There was a man sent from (the Predestined Plan of Yahuah), whose name was John. John was born a miraculous birth and "sent from Yahuah" just like Yahusha. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him (through John by being a Nazarene we) might believe. & He was not that Light, but was sent (from Yahuah) to bear witness John too was an Emmanuel a true and faithful witness of that Light. ' That was the true (Em-manuel) Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.

He was said to have the proper understanding of the Torah, qualified in its accurate instruction, and be the one through whom Yahuah would reveal to the community "the hidden things in which Israel had gone astray". He would rightfully be of the House of Zadok (a true High Priest of Israel). This was Yahusha's mentor and teacher, John the Great Notsri who was of The House of Zadok and the "anointed High Priest" in succession to Yahusha III.

This description of "The Great Notsri" is found in the Damascus Document of the Dead Sea Scroll which carbon dating has placed about 44 BC, the time John was acting as High Priest in the wilderness.

John was prophesied to fulfill this very role by his father Zachariah:
Luke 1:76-80 - Zechariah's Song 76 "And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before Yahuah to prepare the way for him (Yahusha), 77 to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, 78 because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven 79 to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace." 80 And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel.

The Great Notsri, founder of the Nazarenes, at that time was undoubtedly John the Baptist who was the rightful High Priest from the House of Zadok. Although there is a "de-bate" about who this Great Notsri was among current scholars, there should be no doubt. Yahusha told us exactly who this great Teacher of Righteousness among the Nazarenes and Essences was, it was his own mentor:
Matthew 11:11 "I tell you the truth, among those born of women, no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist. If there was no one greater than John ever born of a woman (that includes all men) then, he is The Great Notsri. So much for that debate, Yahusha, The Branch, settled it. So, we have John "the prophesied Great Nazar" and "Teacher of Righteousness (Torah)" of the Nazarenes, mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and identified by the Messiah leading the elect looking for The Branch and they were not called "Christians" they were called Notsris or Nazarenes."
Yahusha the Nazarene (follower of John)
Nazarenes were a sect among the Jews in Israel who followed John the Baptist at the time Yahusha lived. Under John's direction, the Nazarenes, knowing the prophecies of Daniel concerning the timing of the Messiah's coming, bathed in the Mikveh daily in expectation of the coming Messiah. Yahusha and many of his disciples were first followers of John the Baptist and were all...Nazarenes. When John consecrated Yahusha as his successor, his followers then followed Yahusha "the Nazarene" and accepted him as the Messiah.
The Apostle Sha'ul - Leader of the Nazarenes, follower of Yahusha
The Apostle Sha'ul too was a Nazarene or Notsri. After Sha'ul was arrested in Jerusalem; he was escorted to Caesarea to appear before the governor, Felix. Under the authority of Ananias, the "unauthorized" high priest, Tertullus brought the charges before Felix.

Notice his accusation:
Acts 24:5-6 "For we have found this man a pestilent fellow [a plague], and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes: Who also hath gone about to profane the temple: whom we took, and would have judged according to our law".

Echoes of the Shofar

A resounding call to unite the dispersed children of Israel.

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